If twins had been born to the family insured, the company would have had to pay a certain amount of money to the parents. 如果投险家庭生出双胞胎,保险公司将必须支付一定数量的钱给父母。
Where the insured amount is lower than the insured value, the insurer shall indemnify in the proportion that the insured amount bears to the insured value. 保险金额低于保险价值的,在保险标的发生部分损失时,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例负赔偿责任。
The insured amount after reduction shall not be less than the amount obtainable if the policy value reserve existing at the time the original contract is terminated, minus business expenses, were paid as a lump-sum premium. 其减少后之金额,不得少于原契约终止时已有之保单价值准备金,减去营业费用,而以之作为保险费一次交付所能得之金额。
The designated beneficiaries referred to in the preceding paragraph are limited to those alive at the time the insured amount is claimed. 前项指定之受益人,以于请求保险金额时生存者为限。
It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount. 对于保险事故造成的损失,在保险金额的范围内承担赔偿责任。
The insurer shall make compensation or payment according to the insured amount and according to the time limit for compensation or payment as agreed in the insurance contract. 保险合同对保险金额及赔偿或者给付期限有约定的,保险人应当依照保险合同的约定,履行赔偿或者给付保险金义务。
The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation. 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的最高限额。
In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the insured from third parties. 保险方在赔偿保险财产的损失时,应当将损余物资的价值和投保方从第三者取得的赔偿,在保险赔偿金额中扣除。
The Company will pay for the expenses reasonably incurred in this respect, but in no case shall the amount exceed the insured amount of the property so saved. 对被保险人因此而支付的合理施救费用,本公司可予偿付,但以不超过受损保险项目的保险金额为限。
The insured amount shall not exceed the insured value. 保险金额不得超过保险价值;
If there are separate items with separate insured amounts the insurer's maximum liability shall not exceed the insured amount of each item of the subject-matter insured. 如有分项保险金额的,最高以各该分项保险标的保险金额为限。
Where the insured has been determined liable to indemnify a third party for loss, the third party may claim for payment of indemnification, within the scope of the insured amount and based on the ratio to which the third party is entitled, directly from the insurer. 被保险人对第三人应负失赔偿责任确定时,第三人得在保险金额范围,内依其应得之比例,直接向保险人请求给付赔偿金额。
If neither the proposer nor the insurer terminates the contract, the liability of the insurer for any future loss resulting from insured events shall, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, be limited to the balance of the insured amount after indemnification. 要保人与保险人均不终止契约时,除契约另有订定外,保险人对于以后保险事故所致之损失,其责任以赔偿保险金额之余额为限。
If the disabilities fall into different disability degrees, the disability insured amount for the more serious disability shall be paid. 若残疾项目所属残疾等级不同时,给付较严重项目的残疾保险金。
If the building is repairable and the insured decides to proceed with its repair, the amount may be paid either in full or in installments based on the progress of the repair works. 如果建筑物是可修复的,被保险人决定继续进行修复,赔偿金额可以一次性支付或根据修复工程的进度分期支付。
If the insured is executed for a crime or dies as the result of resisting arrest or escaping from jail, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount. 被保险人因犯罪处死或拒捕或越狱致死者,保险人不负给付保险金额之责任;
If a proposer willfully causes the death of the insured, the insurer is not obligated to pay the insured amount. 要保人故意致被保险人于死者,保险人不负给付保险金额之责。
Article101a life insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount in accordance with the contract when the insured dies within the time limit set forth in the contract or is still alive when the time limit set forth in the contract expires. 第一百零一条人寿保险人于被保险人在契约规定年限内死亡,或届契约规定年限而仍生存时,依照契约负给付保险金额之责。
An insured establishment which has been fined the equivalent of the amount owed on overdue premiums pursuant to the regulations, and still does not pay the employment insurance premiums owed to the insurer, shall be fined six times the amount of overdue premiums owed. 投保单位经依规定加征滞纳金至应纳费额一倍后,其应缴之保险费仍未向保险人缴纳者,应按其应缴保险费之金额,处以六倍罚锾。
Insured amount is decided in the light of the value of the insured goods when insurance is covered. 保险金额按保险时保险货物的价值计算。
The insured amount for the funeral expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed the amount set by the competent authority. 前项丧葬费用之保险金额,不得超过主管机关所规定之金额。
The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。
If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value. 重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。
The law also should lay down the insurance contents, such as the insurer, the insured, the insurance prerequisite, the insurance coverage, the insured amount and the insured liability etc. 在实体法上我国应该在法律中明确保险人、投保人、承保条件、承保险种、保险金额、代位和补偿等基本内容,并应该规定得具体、明确。
Besides, it can prevent the bankrupt of the insured from undertaking the great amount of compensation. 二是使被保险人避免因承担巨额赔偿而破产的厄运。
Secondly, according to the different grades of per capita medical fees of malignant tumor and the current Anhui province serious illness insurance specific reimbursement policy to predict the future of malignant tumors in Anhui province insured patients critical illness insurance reimbursement amount per capita. 其次,根据恶性肿瘤人均医药费的不同档次和当前安徽省大病保险的具体报销政策这两个前提条件,预测出安徽省未来恶性肿瘤参保患者大病保险人均报销额。
In early 2000, medical liability insurance was introduced in our country, rights and obligations of the insured in accordance with the principle of reciprocity by the insurance company to the insured a certain amount of insurance costs, assume the liability insured. 2000年初,医疗责任保险在我国开始推行,依照权利义务对等的原则由保险公司向被保险人收取一定的保险费用,承担保险事故的赔偿责任。
When homogeneous insurances are concurrent, the insurer takes the responsibility according to the percentage of single insured amount in total amount. 同种保险竞合条款竞合时,各保险人按照其保险金额与保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿保险金的责任。